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AlBadri Power Announces Partnership with DEVELON, Opening New Chapter in Mauritania
- Mauritania distributor “Albadri Power” hosted customer invitation event at Nouakchott, Mauritania
2024. 3. 15

HD Hyundai Infracore’s (HDI’s) Mauritania distributor

“Albadri Power” hosted customer invitation event at Nouakchott, Mauritania on

February 1st. Albadri Power proudly announced the opening of

Mauritania branch for DEVELON. Including Yongeun Chung, Vice President of

Emerging SalesⅠ, MEA Team Abir Kim, CK

Chang attended from HDI and about 100 of relatives from various government,

national companies in the energy and minerals industry, as well as key figures

from the financial and economic sectors.

At the opening of the ceremony, Mutwakil Omar Ali, the Chairman of the Board of Albadri Power, delivered a warm speech welcoming the guests. “Thank you all for attending at our ceremony. I would like to emphasize and mark how we are excited to begin a new era of partnership with DEVELON, which is the best heavy machinery in Korea.”

Yongeun Chung, Vice President of Emerging Sales, congratulated the opening of new branch in Mauritania and expressed satisfaction with partnership with Albadri Power. Mr.Chung praised Mauritania as a promising country, thanks to its security and political stability, making it conducive to both domestic and foreign investments. Mr.Chung also presented about HD Hyundai group’s history and key performance by affiliates. Added DEVELON brand’s evolution in recent years, showcasing the diversity of industries it offers globally.

This was the first customer invitation event since the Mauritania distributor made a contract with HDI and focused on promoting new brand DEVELON. The markets of the three western African countries such as Mauritania, Mali, and Senegal are in the early stages of development and are expected to grow around the Mining Sector due to their abundant mineral resources.

We look forward to the future activities of DEVELON in Mauritania!